Friday, May 10, 2013

Mother's Day for Trekkie Moms

Mother's Day is right around the corner and I don't have a lot of money to buy my mother a nice present, so I decided to make one. My mom is a trekkie and a big tea drinker so I made this cool Captain Picard tea cup filled with her favorite candies (it was between that or filling it with teabags).
To make the tea cup I got a mug at the dollar store and printed off a Starfleet logo off the internet. I cut out and taped the logo onto the mug and traced it onto the mug with a dry erase marker (it's easy to wipe off if you make mistakes) and then went over it in black sharpie. Then on the opposite side I wrote "Earl Grey. Hot." -Picard in sharpie. Then baked it in the oven for a half hour to keep the sharpie from washing off or fading. 

Hope this helps anyone out there struggling to think of what to get their trekkie mom for mothers day!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Crafty Trekkies!

Hello blogosphere!
I have recently discovered a great blog that I want to give a shout out to called Glue Guns and Phasers. This awesome blog is run by two ladies who post tutorials on how to make an assortment of Star Trek themed crafts like borg cube tissue box covers and decoupaged Star Trek high heels.
I just made a great borg necklace out of scrabble tiles that they had instructions for on their site.

Visit them at
