Friday, May 10, 2013

Mother's Day for Trekkie Moms

Mother's Day is right around the corner and I don't have a lot of money to buy my mother a nice present, so I decided to make one. My mom is a trekkie and a big tea drinker so I made this cool Captain Picard tea cup filled with her favorite candies (it was between that or filling it with teabags).
To make the tea cup I got a mug at the dollar store and printed off a Starfleet logo off the internet. I cut out and taped the logo onto the mug and traced it onto the mug with a dry erase marker (it's easy to wipe off if you make mistakes) and then went over it in black sharpie. Then on the opposite side I wrote "Earl Grey. Hot." -Picard in sharpie. Then baked it in the oven for a half hour to keep the sharpie from washing off or fading. 

Hope this helps anyone out there struggling to think of what to get their trekkie mom for mothers day!

1 comment:

  1. Eventually if you scrub too hard it wears off, but that's just an opportunity to change it up and make a new design. : )
